Cu – PVC or PE or XLPE – Al Screen – PVC or LSHF

Cu – PVC or PE or XLPE – Al Screen – PVC or LSHF
STA or SWA – PVC or LSHF – BS 5308-IEC

ApplicationCables for signalling systems. instrumentation and control of electrical mechanisms, grouped in individual shielded pairs. Maximum rated voltage 500 V (peak value. not for power supply). Indicated for fixed installations. indoor or outdoor, protected or not.
Cable DesignationCu / PVC / Al Screen / Al Screen / PVC
Cu / PE / Al Screen / Al Screen / PVC
Cu / XLPE / Al Screen / Al Screen / PVC
Cu / XLPE / Al Screen / Al Screen / LSHF
Construction Characteristics
ConductorRigid (class 2) of flexible (class 5) copper , sizes 0.5 mm ; 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm , as per IEC 60228.
InsulationPVC, solid polyethylene or cross-linked polyethylene.
Arrangement (formation) Stranded pairs.
Shield (Pair) Aluminium / polyester tape applied helically with an overlap.
2A 0.5 mm tinned copper drain wire is applied under the tape.
Core assembly Concentric layers.
Core wrapping Dielectric tape. helically applied with an overlap.
Shield (screen) Aluminium / polyester tape applied helically with an overlap. 2A 0.5 mm tinned copper drain wire is applied under the tape.
Over sheath (jacket) Extruded PVC or LSHF – Low Smoke Halogen Free thermoplastic compound. Fire retardant.

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